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£50 plus £10 vat (£60 inc)
FROM £200 plus £40 vat (£240 inc)
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Scroll down to find out more about our tools
Write your Will
Will Writing [ Protect what’s important ]
- Online, over the phone or video
- Storage & legal checking included with every will
- Choose what will happen to your estate
Write a Living Will (Advanced Directive)
Living Will [ Don’t become voiceless ]
- Make your future medical treatment wishes known
- Specify particular circumstances
- Legally binding and UK wide
Write an LPA
LPA [ Who speaks for you ]
- Online, over the phone or video
- Health & Welfare or Property & Financial
- Lifetime storage and legal checking service
Free Executor Support
A Little Help [ Step by step bereavement guide ]
- For families, Executors and Administrators
- No legal jargon
- Free to use
Executor Toolkit Online
A Little More Help [ Do it yourself with the Executor Toolkit ]
- Online tool that does everything a Probate solicitor would do
- Ensures your legal obligations are fulfilled
- £600 inc VAT
Do it yourself Estate Administration
Lots of Help [ Fast track Probate ]
- Fastest way to complete Estate Administration with a fixed fee
- Includes fast-track Grant and support by our Legal Team
- £1620 inc VAT
Full Estate Administration
Hand It All Over [ Appoint a Solicitor ]
- Suitable for taxable and more complex estates
- Fixed fees and jargon free
- From £5220 inc VAT
Talk to Someone
Book A Callback [ We’re here ]
- Access to practical, legal and emotional advice
- Award-winning bereavement and estate planning advice
- Free to call, no time restrictions
Online Grief Support
Bereavement Counselling [ GriefChat ]
- Free 24/7 grief support is available online
- Expert Grief counsellors
- Click 'start' to open chat, no need to login
My Documents [ Down with rummaging ]
- Let your trusted people know what you have
- Convenient, secure and manageable
- Upgrade to customise and upload documents
Say everything
Personal Messages [ Because stories matter ]
- Leave personalised messages for loved ones
- Safely stored, sent when you choose
- Video, text and pictures
Funeral Wishes
Plan a funeral [ It’s your funeral ]
- Plan every aspect of your funeral
- Remove the burden from loved ones
- Edit as many times as you want
My Digital Legacy [ Your online afterlife ]
- Let trusted people know what to do with your digital life
- Keep social media in trusted hands
- Secure, simple, necessary
Nags [ It’s easy ]
- Remind yourself of the important things
- Receive email notifications
- Create and edit as many as you want